The snow arrived the other day and we did not get to much....three inches. But it's really cold here and when the wind blows it takes your breathe away. I guess people are getting tired of winter already. So like them I have been browsing the internet and visited some forums, etc and found that people are thinking of spring already. I like spring because everything starts to bloom again, I hate the drab look of winter when the trees are bare and no color just that boring dead brown. So when spring arrives you sees the buds of the lilac trees and everything starts to green up.
I have a show coming up in March, we call our "Country Spring Show". It's held at a friend's house where people bring their creations (must be handmade) and they are set in vingettes, then she opens her house to the public for three days and people come and purchase the items. This is what they call an Open House. But these people are so creative and their work is wonderful and especially since it's handmade. I really think that's the selling point to the public because where can you go nowdays to be able to purchase anything handmade. Most of the stores (even the country stores around here) are purchasing items that are mass produced and/or made in China. So I make it my goal to attend a show that offers handmade items. As the time draws near I will share more of the people's work and hopefully some pictures.
Until next time..............